А few years ago when I was a Windows user, I used Winamp for listening to music. To be honest, this was, and still is, one of my favourite tool. I remember my first reaction when I installed my first Linux distribution and realized that with Linux I can’t use Winamp anymore.
Yes, after some time I started to search for articles that helps with migration process from Windows to Linux and I found that there are few programs that are close to it, but still it wasn’t the Winamp. I also remember that I installed Wine for only one reason – Winamp of course (and mIRC, but this is another thing :)), but in that time there was several issues and I quit the idea. I might try it again, who knows.
Anyway, the post is about Rhythmbox and especially for the tray icon in the notification area.
As the Rhythmbox now is default music player for Ubuntu (since Ubuntu 12.04, according to Wikipedia) I started to use it and I can say that it works for me. But there was one issue that drives me crazy – (at some point) the tray icon in the notification area disappeared. The icon from where I can control the volume, play/pause songs, etc.
Than I started to looking for a solution and I came with this: Rhythmbox Tray Icon.
Description from GitHub page:
A tray icon to control basic Rhythmbox features. Requires Rhythmbox 2.9+
You can rate the track, play/pause, go previous, go next, or quit.
How to install Rhythmbox Tray Icon
To install Rhythmbox Tray Icon, open the terminal and run those commands:
wget https://github.com/mendhak/rhythmbox-tray-icon/raw/master/rhythmbox-tray-icon.zip unzip -u rhythmbox-tray-icon.zip -d ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/plugins
Now start the Rhythmbox and go to Edit => Plugins
That’s it. You’re done. Enjoy your music 🙂
How to uninstall
To uninstall the plugin, open the terminal and run this command:
rm ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/plugins/tray_*.*
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